HERMH – “After the Fire – Ashes” (2008)

Teksty: Bartłomiej Krysiuk
Tłumaczenie (2 & 3): Fabian Filiks

1. Purgatory


2. Hermetic

Confronting your torn visage
Once again with satisfaction sutained
Remembering your scourge
In torture’s fire clencing fiests
Truth I was spitting in your face

I am who knew the magic code
Communicating today
Penetrating your visions

I protect my body
I protect my face

My sword is harmony
My shield is my anger
My will from time immemorial fulfilled
My time marked by the dagger of truth
My tribe raised among the deep roots

In my hands eternity lasts
My wai is pain and tears
I protect my body
I protect my face

I am the guardian of primal knowledge
I am the servant and the lord
My wisdom from beyond
My law eternity knows
My way is blood an the sign
I am the celebrations master
Amog the chaos of stars

Ever I’m torn by the worm
Death’s claws I do not fear
My dream is always her
To die – my destiny
To be born and know the pain

I burn my body
I burn my face
Into body I alm claws of destiny
Adoring death
I am dead
Remaining alive

3. Crownymph

My body shattered poisonous meat fang
My veins infected with venom of your lips
My soul is wine and bread

Prepare yourselves for the coming of the fang
Prepare your bodies for paleness and darkness
Preapre your artereies for veonm’s power
Prepare your souls for nothingness and night

I am the inexorable guardian and lord
I am the servant of annihilating the wounds
I am the unnamed who spits into death’s face

Bow down to the queen at the gates
Bow down to the crown of blood
Bow down to the eternity, that lasts
Bow down to the pale curse

Today masterful insignia I fit on at day
Today the robes of litrugy soaking with blood’s venom
Today the shadows of past say to me – enough!!!

One mor day in nothingness I last
One more day and time of revolt
One more day and the path’s end
One more day with you I don’t finish with myself

I protect my body from the yellow heat
I protect my power
I protect my body from the light of dawn
I protect my power
I protect my body from the splinter of wood
I protect my power

My power inheres in redness of blood
My power inehres in simplicity of night
My power inheres in paleness of bodies
My power – the unnamed code

4. Crownymph

6. Red Blood Running (Red Emprez Remix)

7. Septu Annu – Theory of Nature (Live)

8. Back from Divine (Live)

9. Fear of Blood (Live)

10. Vampyronium (Live)

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