Teksty: Cezary Augustynowicz
Tłumaczenie: Fabian Filiks
1. Summoning of Natan
2. Lucifer’s Horns
Thou was not cast away, thou left the threshold of heavens
The light of thy eyes, like stars, shine above the paths of the chosen
Crowned with their love, thou unveil the cloak of blackness
Revealing the invisible book of eternal wisdom.
Oh Samael, thou art Sael!
Here congeal the blood letters of my name.
Those who stigmatized thy name are thy slaves
And hog-tied by the chains of imaginative ignorance
With every breath against thou,
They sway away from stars into the chasm.
Oh SATAN, thou art LUCIFER!
Here congeal the semen letters of my name
Thou not await victory, thou art victorious
Thy kingdom through eons lasts in majesty
In sleep thou visit thy children
Presenting the key to the seven gates.
Oh Sael! Oh LUCIFER!
Here congeals the grimoire for thee.
3. Torches Begin to Burn
The torches begin to burn
When you approach as proud as peacock
Not only the fenix envies your strength
But humanity as well…
The torches begin to burn
When you raise like an eagle to the skies
Your is the grandeur and glory
When you moisten your nostrils like a serpent
And spit the venom on the face of god
The torches cry in true rapture
When you are powerful among all of us
The torches begin to burn
When you approach as proud as peacock
Not only the fenix envies your strength
But humanity as well…
4. Confined in Heaven
Bodiless, confined in words
With wings spread out among the stars
Wandering through infinite universes
Appointed to radiance…
Visible only amidst the lightning
Your thunderbolt marks the world
Grazing in flames all of us…
Your power has many names
Not only in sense and scripture…
Proclaiming light of the world
To universes…
And all of those outcasts
Awaiting the brightness…
Visible only amidst the lightning
Your thunderbolt marks the world
Grazing in flames all of us…
5. Zwiastowanie ognia
Dusza człowiecza zaklęta w płomieniu
Odżywa nocą przy wtórze pieśni
Pieśń to namiętna ogniem przeszyta
Żarem minionych gwiazd
To wszechświat zbyt mały i jemu nie godny
By służyć w cierpieniu
Łańcuchem przykutym do skały boga
Służalczo skomleć…
Jedynie słusznej idei jesteśmy
Hymny cierpienia wyśpiewywać w chwale…
I w ten czas ognie trysnęły rzęsiście
Nad moją głową jak w koronie cierni
I popiół zajrzał w oczodoły puste
Tak… To już teraz, ten moment nastał…
I wzbił się w niebo ognisty ptak
Z błyszczącym piorunem tak na wroga ruszył
I kopyt słychać było wrzask
Tak zwiastowanie ognia
Przyszło świętować…
6. The Book of Fire
The seed of light art thou
In our filthy faces
We abrade in nothingness without thee
And thy wings…
For when thou is with us
The universe starts to live…
The pleasure begins…
Thy light is a spark
And the book of senses afire…
Thy light like the snake
Creeping among us…
Breath thou art,
And the oracle…
Thou lead the lifeless
In drowse congealed…
Thou lead the living
In drowse frozen…
7. Night of the Serpent
On this night, your humanity’s own…
Visiting the gardens of our grief
With your light penetrating eternity
Showing the way through suffering of many
The conscience of first sin
Remaining in oblivion…
Symbol of fire
Symbol of the serpent
You are…
Among the flames
Among the fluttering of winds
In the cold rain of nothingness…
On this night, your humanity’s own…
Source of your strength
Not only in blazing eyes
With hatred and victory…
The source of your strength
Not only at night and day it lays
But at the rapture of beauty…
8. The Semen of Ye Old One
Spread out your legs in sacrament’s adoration
Accept my facula in the darkness of your vulva
And let the gate tremble in joy
Avidly swallowing the semen of ye old one…
Give me a child, like his
Who’s crown is glittering with lies
Give yourself entirely to the whispers falling silent
In the roar of anger…
He, who approaches summoned by the sigil of names
Will seal up the end with the beginning
Tearing apart the curtain of heavens, with silence…
9. Czarny horyzont
Dziedzicem słowa tego mierzą
Gdzie słowa nie sławę zwiastują –
Życie zbyt krótkie
By nurzać się w błękicie barw
A świadomość zbyt mała
Przy końcu wszechświata bram istnienia
Nicość swym kolorytem bezkres nóg rozściela
I swe ramiona… by
Przyjąć ciebie
W gwiazd firmamencie
Czarnego horyzontu…
Istniejesz – to twoja wola istnienia
Bierzesz cząstkę wszechświata
W oczach minionych bogów
Tylko dla siebie…
Dając w zamian swoje jestestwo…
Czarny Horyzont przyjmuje ciebie
Oddając nam wszystkim niebo…
Nie zanurzając swych warg i tak czujesz życie
Musisz tylko wybrać –
Będąc głupcem – głupcem istniejesz dla innych
Nie wartych miłości prawdziwej…
10. Summoning of Demons
You exist in the summoning of demons
Not only in scream of our cries…
You are the summoning of demons
Not only existing in time…
You rape the moment,
And feel the blood…
With blood you identify
And blood you become…
You challenge the face of god
For a duel…
You challenge his face
To win
To violate
The world that I disdain…
I rape the moment,
And feel the blood…
With blood I identify
And blood I become…
11. Daemons Heart
The dark desire
Of my sin
In the moonlight
My tears – my wish for pain
Dark side of the soul
Like crying moon
Among the gods
Between the lies
I am the night
I am the cry
I am the heart of the daemon
Satan – ave!!!
Praise the night!
Praise the sorrow!
Praise the darkness!
Praise the light!
I am the night
I am the cry
I am the heart of the daemon